About HRC
General Information
General Information
“Nearly every killer disease and chronic illness of the last century has been analyzed and stopped by an elite research team somewhere in this world. You just haven’t been told about their solutions yet” ~Dr. David G. Williams, Editor, Alternatives magazine.
Health is greatly influenced by the balance of nature. We have found our greatest education to be through the acts of nature. By following the simplicity and wisdom of nature, we can learn to understand and bring balance to our own health.
Our intention as a resource center is to supply you with resources related to health and well-being, so you can make informed decisions, on your road to better health.
When the Health Resource Center first began its self-education on the subjects of health and nutrition, we found there to be so much information available and so many places to look, that the effort could be mind-boggling. What we learned is that all of the scientific and health related facts are available to the general public.
The problem is that so much of this vital information is either difficult to find or it is suppressed. This creates great difficulty for the average person to find the truth.
We’ve put forth an abundance of time and effort on personal research, some of which includes: reading health related books & reports, journals…, looking up stats, watching or listening to acquired materials, attending professional health seminars and participating in one on one discussions with health professionals. From all that we have gathered, it is our intent to share our findings with you so that it might help you along with your quest.
It is through your own involvement that you will find a sense of discipline and begin to act upon what you have learned. It is through the process of learning that we all develop our sense of choices and then we feel empowered to take action, and exercise our choices.
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